Thursday, October 8, 2009

Get Your Hearts Thumped Speedily

So you must be wondering how did you perform for the speaking test (i hope). Now you can stop chasing me around like my nephew asking me for another piece of "biskot tiger" and whining for the delay of putting your marks on the notice board. I'm relieved.

So, get your eyes glued to the monitor, people!!...

D1B1 people, yours first...

Next, D1B2 people!!!

Their partners, the D1D2 crews

Not forgetting, the D1D1 bunch...

For those curious people (yeah, you, read between the lines), satisfy your curiosity by checking out the tables. Now, stop nagging like a "makcik", saying that i'm being irrationally secretive about others' performances. You just need to be a bit smarter to check them out (^_~)

So what do you think of your performance?


  1. oh man!
    only got 15..mesti sbb xconclude ni..aha

  2. akim: i think that's because you did not explain thoroughly but your communication is good

    nizam: the marks didn't come from me. they came from you

  3. haha..yurp..true2..But I probably gonna fail my grammer test..anyway i'm still wondering who score 18 marks,i mean the highest in this test..hmmm!!!!

  4. your blog is nice. it's colourful :)

  5. nizam: well, not gonna tell you. go around and hunt for that mysterious one. that person has the highest marks for communicative ability

    liyana: yeah, trying to be tech-savvy. don't wanna lose to my students. talk about being competitive

  6. aha...ur page like a kindergarten one=D

  7. you're simply jealous. what more can i do?

  8. akim : kindergarden? no no no. lawa ape :) (haha being a kaki bodek :p)

  9. liyana, awhhh...let's go somewhere.i'll buy you some drinks.haha..

  10. drinks je ke? what about dinner? haha :D

  11. liyana: no dinner after 6pm because i'm on strict diet haha! i wish...

    bella: yeah, where are you. if i don't see the healthy you in our next class, i will splash pails of red paint at your dorm. whooshh!
