Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm Completely Cuckoo

I'm drowned in the sea of papers and I'm suffocated now. I got teary eyes and frozen brain andI need a break. Facebook? I'm tired of it. I want to do something passive like...i don't know. I don't feel intelligent. I'm writing gibberish now. I can't even think and it seems like my words are not coming out. They are hiding somewhere,refusing to show themselves. This must be how you feel when I ask you to do writing. Enough, i need my remedy...

super seductive

Why?Oh why? Can i borrow Harry Potter's wand and turn these pictures into real ice cream? Ok Dia, get real and do your work


  1. ohh....u'r miss dia...this is column for english...hehe..but i love to write in malay...
    i will try my best k for another blog post...

  2. yeah!!i'm looking forward to it. you better keep your work or i'll bury you in a hole.haha!

    i'm always interested in people who can speak in a lot of languages other than their own first language
