Thursday, July 30, 2009

change your time setting

Okey dokie people...Now sign in to your blog and click "customize" tab on you upper right hand. You will have 4 tabs which are "posting", "settings", "layout" and "monetize". Now, click "settings"tab and click the tiny "formatting" tab. Make sure that your time zone is (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur. If your time zone is something else, change it!Thank you

Thank you Allah, i finally found the list of URLs for D1B1..Now i can add links to your blogs in this page

Monday, July 27, 2009

attention D1B1

i'm not sure if your ssistant class rep has given me the list of your url
i can't put your names in this blog unless i have your URLs..
so can i get them as soon as possible? i'm so sorry to the assistant class rep if i missed the list because i really couldn't find the list..dush dush!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


okay so your notes might be eaten by your dog, gone MIA (missing in action), you did not get 'em from your class rep and oh so many excuses..there you go. here are the notes.

simply sign up with slide share and you can download the notes easily!!

Lecture 1 Skim Scan Nouns

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Parts Of Speech

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Monday, July 13, 2009


So how's your new university life? While some of you are enjoying this new stage of growing up, it is pretty hard for the rest of you trying to adjust yourself with your new life right?

Anyway, this blog will be the place for you to hang around, share ideas, give your comments of BEL 120 lessons and in case you can't get enough of me in class, you can also contact me here (in addition to my contact no. and email address)

So, drop a line and start our conversation here!!Wheeheee...